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Kindergarten Themes Questions

You can create printable tests and worksheets from these Kindergarten Themes questions! Select one or more questions using the checkboxes above each question. Then click the add selected questions to a test button before moving to another page.

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Kindergarten People and Places
Does this belong to a princess?

  1. Yes
  2. No
Kindergarten People and Places
Does this belong to a princess?

  1. Yes
  2. No
Kindergarten People and Places
Does this belong to a princess?

  1. Yes
  2. No
Kindergarten Themes
A                 carries dirt.
  1. excavator
  2. backhoe
  3. dump truck
  4. forklift
Kindergarten Themes
Is it a tool or a truck?

  1. tool
  2. truck
Kindergarten Themes
Is it a tool or a truck?

  1. tool
  2. truck
Kindergarten Themes
Is it a tool or a truck?

  1. tool
  2. truck
Kindergarten Themes
Is it a tool or a truck?

  1. tool
  2. truck
Kindergarten Themes
Is it a tool or a truck?

  1. tool
  2. truck
Kindergarten Themes
Is it a tool or a truck?

  1. tool
  2. truck
Kindergarten Themes
Is it a tool or a truck?

  1. tool
  2. truck
Kindergarten Themes
Is it a tool or a truck?

  1. tool
  2. truck
Kindergarten Themes
Is it a tool or a truck?

  1. tool
  2. truck
Kindergarten Themes
Is it a tool or a truck?

  1. tool
  2. truck
Kindergarten Art and Music Words
Practice writing the word GREEN on the line.
Writing Strip - 3/4 Inch
Kindergarten Art and Music Words
Practice writing the word YELLOW on the line.
Writing Strip - 3/4 Inch
Kindergarten Art and Music Words
Practice writing the word RED on the line.
Writing Strip - 3/4 Inch
Kindergarten Art and Music Words
Practice writing the word ORANGE on the line.
Writing Strip - 3/4 Inch
Kindergarten Art and Music Words
Practice writing the word BLACK on the line.
Writing Strip - 3/4 Inch
Kindergarten Art and Music Words
Practice writing the word BROWN on the line.
Writing Strip - 3/4 Inch
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