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Second Grade (Grade 2) Taxonomy Questions

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Grade 2 Taxonomy
Turtles, snakes and lizards are                .
  1. reptiles
  2. tadpoles
Grade 2 Taxonomy
Humans are mammals.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 Taxonomy
The world is filled with animals. Scientists                 animals into groups to understand them better.
  1. classify
  2. group
  3. separate
Grade 2 Taxonomy
Select the animals that are part of the family "Felidae".
  1. Lion
  2. Wolf
  3. Raccoon
  4. Tiger
  5. Hyena
  6. Zebra
Grade 2 Taxonomy
What is the first food that any mammals ever has?
  1. juice
  2. mothers milk
  3. water
  4. none of the above
Grade 2 Taxonomy
Select the 3 characteristics of most primates.
  1. Tails
  2. Opposable thumbs
  3. Forward-facing eyes
  4. Omnivorous diet (eat both plants and animals)
  5. Large front teeth
Grade 2 Taxonomy
Look at the animal in the picture. Is the animal a bird?
Pictograph - Eagle
  1. no
  2. yes
Grade 2 Taxonomy
A yak has thick fur that helps keep it warm in cold weather.

Is a yak a mammal?
Animal - Yak
  1. no
  2. yes
Grade 2 Taxonomy
Do mammals have hair?
  1. no
  2. yes
Grade 2 Taxonomy
How can you tell if an animal is an insect?
  1. count the legs and body parts
  2. count the number of colors
Grade 2 Taxonomy
Which item below is NOT an insect?
  1. spider
  2. ladybug
  3. moth
Grade 2 Taxonomy
Which animal gives birth to live young and is a mammal?
  1. Bird
  2. Snake
  3. Dog
  4. Frog
Grade 2 Taxonomy
How many legs do arachnids have?
  1. 6
  2. 8
  3. 2
  4. none of the above
Grade 2 Taxonomy
Which animal is classified as an amphibian?
  1. salmon
  2. trumpeter swan
  3. salamander
  4. kangaroo
Grade 2 Taxonomy
Which one is NOT a Mammal?
  1. Dog
  2. Cat
  3. Bear
  4. Alligator
Grade 2 Taxonomy
Which characteristic would you use to group a penguin, owl, and a duck?
  1. fins
  2. wings
  3. scales
Grade 2 Taxonomy
Name an example:



Grade 2 Taxonomy
Which characteristic would you use to group a lizard, fish, and snake?
  1. scales
  2. legs
  3. fur/hair
Grade 2 Taxonomy
All insects have 3 body parts.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 Taxonomy
List 3 animals in the order Carnivora.
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