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Seventh Grade (Grade 7) Sentence Structure Questions

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Grade 7 Phrases and Clauses
Which sentence uses an appositive correctly?
  1. Two friends, Dante and Rashaan, jumped from the roof of the cafeteria and into a swimming pool of tater tots.
  2. Two friends jumped from a roof, which was made of tater tots, and onto a swimming pool, which was Dante and Rashaan.
  3. Dante and Rashaan, the cafeteria roof, jumped into a pool of friends.
  4. Dante, the cafeteria roof, and Rashaan jumped into tater tots, which were two friends.
Grade 7 Types of Sentences
Which sentence is a simple sentence with a compound subject?
  1. The ponies trotted across the grass and stopped at the edge of the pond.
  2. Several friends played baseball today with their cousins and will play again tomorrow.
  3. My brother and my sister are with friends in the backyard.
  4. A man carried a book and a bag of groceries to his house this morning.
Grade 7 Fragments and Run-ons
Which of the following is a complete sentence?
  1. When all other things fails us.
  2. We visited Rhodes, an island off the coast of Turkey.
  3. Running away from difficulties.
  4. Captain Ahab wanted to kill Moby Dick, the whale had crippled him.
Grade 7 Phrases and Clauses CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.7.1, L.7.1a
Grade 7 Sentence Structure CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.7.1, L.7.1a
Grade 7 Types of Sentences CCSS: CCRA.L.1, CCRA.L.3, L.7.1, L.7.3
Two independent clauses in a compound sentence are connected by
  1. a transition word.
  2. a verb.
  3. a conjunction.
  4. a common denominator.
Grade 7 Phrases and Clauses
Read the sentence below. Select the answer that identifies the DEPENDENT CLAUSE.

Not even my best friend, whom I have known for years, has ever read my journal.
  1. whom I have known for years
  2. Not even my best friend, whom I have known for years, has ever read my journal.
Grade 7 Types of Sentences CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.7.1b
Which sentence correctly changes the simple sentence into a complex sentence?

I made dinner.
  1. I made dinner and ate it.
  2. After the basketball game, I made dinner.
  3. I made dinner, but burned the rolls.
  4. I made dinner for my family.
Grade 7 Types of Sentences CCSS: CCRA.L.3, L.7.3
A compound sentence has                        .
  1. one dependent clause
  2. one independent clause
  3. two dependent clauses
  4. two independent clauses
Grade 7 Sentence Structure
Identify the compound subject:

New Orleans and New York remain favorite tourist attractions.
  1. favorite; tourist
  2. remain; attractions
  3. New Orleans; New York
Grade 7 Fragments and Run-ons CCSS: CCRA.L.3
Which sentence is not a complete thought?
  1. The largest immigrant groups came from Europe.
  2. Many immigrants passed through Ellis Island in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
  3. Each group brought their culture to America.
  4. Living in ghettos, ethnic communities with other people that spoke their language.
Grade 7 Types of Sentences CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.7.1b
Identify the complex sentence.
  1. Because we were stumped for a while, we became very discouraged.
  2. We all really like Jeff's suggestion.
  3. Who doesn't want someone else to wash their pet, clean their house, and mow their lawn?
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