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Sixth Grade (Grade 6) Reactions Questions

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Grade 6 Reactions
Molecules react by
  1. switching atoms with other molecules.
  2. joining together with other molecules.
  3. breaking apart.
  4. all of the above
Grade 6 Reactions
What does exothermic mean?
  1. A chemical reaction that absorbs heat energy
  2. A chemical reaction that changes a substance
  3. A chemical reaction that releases heat energy
  4. A chemical change within a substance
Grade 6 Reactions
The deterioration of a metal due to a chemical reaction in the environment is
  1. reactivity.
  2. corrosion.
  3. thermal conductivity.
  4. luster.
Grade 6 Reactions
What does endothermic mean?
  1. A chemical reaction that absorbs heat energy
  2. A chemical reaction that releases heat energy
  3. A chemical change in a substance
  4. A physical change in a substance
Grade 6 Reactions
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