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Fourth Grade (Grade 4) Literature Questions

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Grade 4 Animals (Stories)
What is unique about the narwhal's tusk?
  1. It is actually a giant tooth.
  2. It regrows if it is cut off.
  3. It is only found on baby narwhals.
  4. It can glow in deep ocean waters.
Grade 4 Animals (Stories)
Is the narwhal a real animal?
  1. Yes
  2. No
Grade 4 Animals (Stories)
Which type of narwhal is most likely to have a tusk?
  1. a male
  2. a baby
  3. a female
  4. a small one
Grade 4 Animals (Stories)
How long can a narwhal's tusk grow to be?
  1. 10 inches
  2. 1 foot
  3. 10 feet
  4. 3 yards
Grade 4 Animals (Stories)
What does the author compare a narwhal's tusk to?
  1. a utensil for eating
  2. a cardinal's color
  3. a rhino's horn
  4. a large ruler
Grade 4 Food (Stories)
How long does it take a cupcake to make its way through your body?
  1. 30 minutes
  2. 1-2 hours
  3. 6-8 hours
  4. one day
Grade 4 Food (Stories)
What do bile and enzymes do in the digestive process?
  1. make food taste better
  2. bring energy to your body
  3. help break down food you eat
  4. cause your stomach to feel full
Grade 4 Food (Stories)
What substance helps start the digestive process?
  1. sugar
  2. saliva
  3. salt
  4. soap
Grade 4 Animals (Stories)

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What does the tarantula's venom do to its victims?
  1. It causes them to go to sleep.
  2. It makes them poisonous to other animals.
  3. It causes them to dissolve into a liquid.
  4. It makes them blend in with the surrounding sand.
Grade 4 Animals (Stories)

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How does the tarantula know if another creature is near?
  1. It has a great sense of smell.
  2. It can feel the ground vibrate.
  3. It hears the creature approach.
  4. It has a lot of eyes around its head.
Grade 4 Because of Winn-Dixie
What did Winn Dixie do that disrupted the church service again?
  1. He chased a mouse.
  2. He "sang" with the choir.
  3. He wouldn't stop barking.
  4. He ran around the church.
Grade 4 Poetry
Poetry MUST rhyme.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Because of Winn-Dixie
What did Gertrude do to Winn-Dixie?
  1. sat on his head
  2. screamed at him
  3. shooed him away
  4. bit him on the ear
Grade 4 Because of Winn-Dixie
Where did Opal first see Winn-Dixie?
  1. In the produce department at the grocery store
  2. At the bank while cashing a check
  3. At the dollar store while buying cat food
  4. On the school playground
Grade 4 Food (Stories)

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     E      Have lots of fiber, potassium, and vitamin C
Grade 4 Food (Stories)

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     C      Full of vitamin C to build your immune system
Grade 4 Food (Stories)

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     A      Contain fiber and antioxidants to help with digestion and blood flow
Grade 4 Technology (Stories)

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What most likely causes phantom flushing?
  1. gravity working
  2. a leak in the toilet
  3. someone playing a joke
  4. a ghost in the bathroom
Grade 4 Nature and Science (Stories)

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How do many animals adjust to the changing seasons in the intertidal zone?
  1. They rely on humans to help.
  2. They adapt so they can survive.
  3. They feed off of a variety of plants.
  4. They enjoy riding away with the tide.
Grade 4 Poetry CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.4.5

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Each stanza of the poem There was an Old Man is an example of...
  1. A sonnet
  2. A cinquain
  3. A concrete poem
  4. A limerick
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