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Holes - Children's Literature - Questions for Tests and Worksheets - Fourth Grade (Grade 4)

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Grade 4 Holes
Why did Stanley tell his mom in his letter home that he was taking a swimming test?
  1. He wanted her to be proud of his swimming
  2. He wanted her to know what he was doing.
  3. He didn't want her to worry about him.
  4. He promised her that he would go swimming.
Grade 4 Holes
When Zero woke up after eating some onions, Stanley went down the mountain to look for...
  1. the shovel to dig a larger water hole.
  2. more onions.
  3. a larger water hole.
  4. a dry place to sleep.
Grade 4 Holes
What did Stanley find while digging his second hole?
  1. A fish fossil.
  2. A lizard.
  3. A scorpion.
  4. Rattlesnake skin.
Grade 4 Holes
The land from Camp Green Lake was turned into a Girl Scout Camp.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Holes
Which boy was crying at night?
  1. Caveman
  2. Squid
  3. Armpit
  4. Zero
Grade 4 Holes
Mr. Pendanski argued with The Warden over filling the canteens because:
  1. He doesn't respect her authority.
  2. He would rather sit around.
  3. He had just filled them.
  4. He was mad at the boys.
Grade 4 Holes
What does Zero do with the money Stanley gives him?
  1. Flies around the country in search of his mom.
  2. Buys a new house.
  3. Bought a new pair of shoes for Clyde Livingston.
  4. Hires a private investigator to find his mom.
Grade 4 Holes
When Mr. Pendanski asked Zero what he liked to do, Zero said:
  1. "I like to train animals."
  2. "I like to dig holes."
  3. "I like to run."
  4. "I like to write letters."
Grade 4 Holes
Mr. Sir was eating so many sunflower seeds because he:
  1. Needs the salt.
  2. Is bored and needs something to do.
  3. Just quit smoking and needed a replacement habit.
  4. Just likes to spit the shells out to feed the lizards.
Grade 4 Holes
What did Stanley do with the money he inherited?
  1. Bought his family a new house.
  2. Purchased a new car.
  3. Bought the land from Ms. Walker.
  4. Purchased a shoe factory.
Grade 4 Holes
The second item that Stanley finds is a:
  1. Gold bracelet with the letters KB engraved on it.
  2. Silver bullet with the letters KB engraved on it.
  3. Bronze plate with the letters KB engraved on it.
  4. Gold tube with the letters KB engraved on it.
Grade 4 Holes
After Stanley is hit in the head, Mr. Sir:
  1. Gives him the afternoon off.
  2. Gives him some pain medicine and tells him to dig.
  3. Punishes the boy who did it and bandages his head.
  4. Wraps it with part of a sunflower sack and tells him to dig.
Grade 4 Holes
Elya tried looking for Madame Zeroni's son in America to see if he could somehow fulfill his promise.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Holes
Who was the camper that was always first in line for the water truck?
  1. Caveman
  2. X-Ray
  3. Armpit
  4. Zero
Grade 4 Holes
Stanley tells X-Ray not to turn in the item until:
  1. The next morning so he can get the whole day off.
  2. They are done digging.
  3. After Stanley finds something else.
  4. The next time the water truck comes by.
Grade 4 Holes
Elya decided that he didn't want to marry Myra, and gave his pig to her as a wedding gift.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Holes
Zero told Stanley that he should have just kept the shoes, then...
  1. Clyde Livingston would've been mad at him instead.
  2. Stanley wouldn't be mad at him.
  3. His feet would smell bad too.
  4. Neither of them would be at the camp.
Grade 4 Holes
How do you know Zero found his mom in the end?
  1. It doesn't say if he does or not.
  2. He asked his mom to pass the chips.
  3. His mom called him son when she walked in Stanley's house.
  4. The lady was singing the pig lullaby to him.
Grade 4 Holes
When Zero first spoke to Stanley, he said:
  1. "What does the letter say?"
  2. "Do you like the food at the mess hall?"
  3. "Why are you here?"
  4. "Did the shoes have red x's on them?"
Grade 4 Holes
When The Warden grows impatient and asks why the holes aren't much bigger, Armpit is coming back from:
  1. A restroom break.
  2. Digging in Zero's hole.
  3. Taking a nap.
  4. The mess hall.
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