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Eleventh Grade (Grade 11) DNA, RNA, and Genetics Questions

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Grade 11 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
The primary function of RNA is to
  1. make proteins.
  2. make nucleotides.
  3. carry genetic information.
  4. react with enzymes.
Grade 11 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
The manufacture of an amino acid chain is
  1. translation.
  2. transcription.
  3. metabolism.
  4. homeostasis.
Grade 11 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
A specific characteristic of an organism is a
  1. trait.
  2. parent.
  3. gene pool.
  4. genetic allele.
Grade 11 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
What are the sides of the DNA structure made of?
  1. phosphate and ribose
  2. sugar and phosphate
  3. augar and deoxyribose
  4. deoxyribose and ribose
Grade 11 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
Grade 11 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
Grade 11 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
What are organisms with two identical alleles?
  1. homozygous
  2. phenotype
  3. genotype
  4. heterozygous
Grade 11 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
What is a somatic cell?
  1. a sex cell
  2. a muscle cell
  3. any cell other than a sex cell
  4. any cell
Grade 11 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
A cross involving a single trait is a
  1. dihybrid cross.
  2. Mendel cross.
  3. monohybrid cross.
  4. single cross.
Grade 11 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
What are the complementary bases of a DNA double helix?
  1. AT and CG
  2. AC and TG
  3. AU and GC
  4. AG and TC
Grade 11 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
What is the mRNA message for the DNA code CGCGAGTT?
Grade 11 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
What is the sugar in DNA?
  1. glucose
  2. dextrose
  3. deoxyribose
  4. ribose
Grade 11 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
Unlike DNA, RNA contains
  1. adenine.
  2. uracil.
  3. phosophate groups.
  4. thymine.
Grade 11 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
Genes that are carried by either sex chromosome are
  1. sex-linked.
  2. x-linked.
  3. y-linked.
Grade 11 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
The genetic code is always read
  1. 3 bases at a time in the same direction.
  2. 4 bases at a time in the same direction.
  3. 3 bases at a time in various directions.
  4. 4 bases at a time in various directions.
Grade 11 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
Which is not a type of RNA?
  1. mRNA
  2. rRNA
  3. tRNA
  4. dRNA
Grade 11 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
What is the process of making a DNA copy?
  1. transcription
  2. replication
  3. reduction
  4. translation
Grade 11 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
Triplets of bases are
  1. amino acids.
  2. codons.
  3. exons.
  4. proteins.
Grade 11 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
The combination of DNA and proteins in a chromosome is
  1. chromosomal material.
  2. histones.
  3. DNA-protein complex.
  4. chromatin.
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