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Third Grade (Grade 3) Frequently Misspelled Words Questions

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Grade 3 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the correct spelling of the word.

Gabe                 the answer to the challenge question.
  1. knewe
  2. kneh
  3. knew
  4. newe
Grade 3 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the correct spelling.
  1. cauf
  2. couf
  3. cough
Grade 3 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the correct spelling
  1. Ocured
  2. Occured
  3. Occurred
Grade 3 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the correct spelling of the word.

The massive wind gust                 the tree over.
  1. blue
  2. blew
  3. blewe
  4. bluew
Grade 3 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the correct spelling
  1. Shoped
  2. Shiped
  3. Shopped
Grade 3 Frequently Misspelled Words
Which word is spelled correctly?
  1. joyn
  2. joine
  3. joyne
  4. join
Grade 3 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the best word to fill in the blank.

Please                 the car out the bus lane.
  1. tow
  2. toe
  3. to
Grade 3 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the best word to fill in the blank.

May I have a                 of cake?
  1. piece
  2. peace
  3. peece
Grade 3 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the correct spelling of the word.

You need to color the box                .
  1. blue
  2. blew
  3. blu
  4. bleu
Grade 3 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the correct spelling
  1. Hapiest
  2. Happest
  3. Happiest
Grade 3 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the correct spelling of the word.

Caleb put his                 up to show me he understood the answer.
  1. thumbe
  2. thumbue
  3. tumb
  4. thumb
Grade 3 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the correct spelling of the word.

The project was                 on Friday.
  1. dewe
  2. dew
  3. due
  4. duew
Grade 3 Frequently Misspelled Words
The following word is spelled correctly: Alot
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the best word to fill in the blank.

Mrs. Sweitzer is curious to                 how everyone will do on their test.
  1. kow
  2. know
  3. knowe
  4. knoaw
Grade 3 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
  1. shopped
  2. shoped
  3. shopt
Grade 3 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
  1. occurred
  2. occured
  3. ocurred
Grade 3 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
  1. swimming
  2. swiming
  3. swamming
Grade 3 Frequently Misspelled Words
Choose the correctly spelled word.
  1. swiming
  2. swwiming
  3. swimming
  4. sweming
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