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Third Grade (Grade 3) Environmental Science Questions

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Grade 3 Environmental Science
Examples of nonrenewable resources are
  1. animals, such as fish.
  2. coal, natural gas, oil, fossil fuels, minerals.
  3. sun, wind, water.
  4. none of the above
Grade 3 Environmental Science
Harmful material that is added to the environment is pollution.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Environmental Science
Renewable resources are resources that
  1. can be used again and again.
  2. cannot be replaced.
  3. can be replaced with a lifetime.
  4. will not exist again.
Grade 3 Environmental Science
Land pollution can happen when people throw trash
  1. in the water.
  2. on the ground.
  3. in a dumpster.
Grade 3 Environmental Science
Where do we get solar energy from?
  1. The Sun
  2. The Moon
  3. The Ocean
  4. Saturn
Grade 3 Environmental Science
The energy from the Sun is a                 resource.
  1. renewable
  2. reusable
  3. nonrenewable
Grade 3 Environmental Science
What is an example of how you can conserve water at your house?
  1. Wash the car outside
  2. Play with the water hose to stay cool
  3. Take quick showers
  4. Fill up the bath tub to wash the dog
Grade 3 Environmental Science
Reusable resources are resources that can be used again and again.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Environmental Science
Why do farmers leave some fields alone when they plant crops?
  1. To let the soil gain nutrients that it has lost.
  2. To give the animals a place to roam.
  3. To use other areas of a farm that feel neglected.
  4. To be closer to the Sun and rain.
Grade 3 Environmental Science
Turning off the lights when you leave a room doesn't help reduce resource use.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Environmental Science
Which is a natural resource?
  1. Summer - Tree - Small tree
  2. Valentine's Day - Cup Cake - Small cupcake
  3. Fall - Umbrella - Small umbrella
  4. Back To School - Notebook - Small notebook
Grade 3 Environmental Science
Oil, dumped trash, and other pollutants put into water doesn't cause water pollution.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Environmental Science
Energy from the Sun is a                 resource.
  1. renewable
  2. nonrenewable
Grade 3 Environmental Science
What are solar panels used for?
  1. to block the Sun's dangerous rays
  2. to create light energy from the Sun
  3. to create heat energy from the Sun
  4. to create electrical energy from the Sun
Grade 3 Environmental Science

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The old cardboard was used to make new boxes. The cardboard was                .
  1. recycled
  2. reduced
Grade 3 Environmental Science

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                means to use less of something.
  1. Reduce
  2. Recycle
Grade 3 Environmental Science
Which of these is a nonrenewable resource?
  1. wood
  2. wind
  3. copper
  4. water
Grade 3 Environmental Science
Scientists have found ways to use the energy from
  1. wind.
  2. the Sun.
  3. corn and other plants.
  4. all of the above.
Grade 3 Environmental Science
What causes more changes to the environment than anything else?
  1. people
  2. migrating animals
  3. floods
  4. drought
Grade 3 Environmental Science

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Ava brings her lunch to school in the same bag each day. She                 her lunch bag.
  1. reuses
  2. recycles
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