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First Grade (Grade 1) Ecology Questions

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Grade 1 Biomes
A squirrel lives in which habitat?
  1. Ocean
  2. Grassland
  3. Forest
Grade 1 Biomes
Do people live in Antarctica?
  1. Yes
  2. No
Grade 1 Food Chains and Webs
Animals and plants help each other in many ways. Some animals use                 for food.
  1. plants
  2. rocks
  3. air
Grade 1 Biomes
To live in a                , plants and animals must adapt to a grassy, dry place.
  1. grassland
  2. forest
  3. desert
Grade 1 Food Chains and Webs
Is a carnivore male or female?
  1. They are both male and female.
  2. They are female.
  3. They are male.
Grade 1 Food Chains and Webs
Are some carnivores dangerous?
  1. Yes, some kill for food.
  2. No, they are all pleasant and safe to be with.
Grade 1 Biogeochemical Cycles
Which of the following can you do to prevent climate change?
  1. Start your own garden
  2. Eat at a restaurant
  3. Adopt a puppy
  4. Keep your bedroom light on all night
Grade 1 Food Chains and Webs
In places where winters are cold, many animals face a shortage of food for part of the year.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 1 Food Chains and Webs
Do all carnivores require shelter?
  1. Yes, they all need shelter.
  2. No, some live out in the open.
Grade 1 Food Chains and Webs
Are some carnivores dangerous?
  1. Yes, some will eat mostly anything with blood.
  2. No, they are harmless.
  3. Some fish are like that.
Grade 1 Ecology
Omnivores eat only plants.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 1 Food Chains and Webs
List the 3 types of eater that an animal can be, and what type of food is eaten by each eater.

1)                                                                                   eat                                                                                   

2)                                                                                   eat                                                                                   

3)                                                                                   eat                                                                                   
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