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College Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems Questions

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College Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
                  have limited homeostatic capability, and often have a high mortality rate.
  1. a-selected species
  2. b-selected species
  3. r-selected species
  4. k-selected species
College Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
What is the correct formula for measuring Rate of population growth?
  1. (b+d)-(i+e)
  2. (b-d)-(i-e)
  3. (b-d)+(i+e)
  4. (b-d)+(i-e)
College Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
College Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
College Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
What is the measure of fitness?
  1. how long a species lives
  2. survival under adverse conditions
  3. number of fertile offspring produced
  4. strength in a predator
  5. fleetness in prey
College Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
College Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
College Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
Movement parallel to each other but unidirectional is called                   .
  1. Laminar flow
  2. Brownian movement
  3. Turbulent flow
  4. molecular movement
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