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Third Grade (Grade 3) Biomes Questions

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Grade 3 Biomes
The                 ecosystem has little or no rainfall.
  1. desert
  2. forest
  3. grassland
  4. water
Grade 3 Biomes
This biome is
  1. tundra.
  2. savanna.
  3. rain forest.
  4. ocean.
Grade 3 Biomes
This is not a land biome?
  1. Tundra
  2. Savanna
  3. Rain forest
  4. Ocean
Grade 3 Biomes
Snakes can be found in the desert.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Biomes
The                 ecosystem is made up of large, flat areas of land covered with grass.
  1. desert
  2. forest
  3. grassland
  4. water
Grade 3 Biomes
The                 has carnivorous plants.
  1. mountain
  2. valley
  3. piedmont
  4. swamp
Grade 3 Biomes
A lake is an example of a                   water ecosystem.
  1. fresh
  2. salt
  3. brackish
  4. none of the above
Grade 3 Biomes
An ocean is an example of a                  water ecosystem.
  1. fresh
  2. salt
  3. brackish
  4. all of the above
Grade 3 Biomes
There are two major kinds of water ecosystems in the world.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Biomes
This biome in Africa has lions, zebras, elephants, giraffes and other such animals.
  1. Savannah
  2. North Pole
  3. Classroom
  4. Tropical Rain Forest
Grade 3 Biomes
Oak, maple, and beech trees drop their leaves in the fall. In which ecosystem are they found?
  1. tundra
  2. tropical forest
  3. deciduous forest
  4. coniferous forest
Grade 3 Biomes
Which Biome has the most precipitation (rain)?
  1. Desert
  2. Tropical Rain Forest
  3. Tundra
  4. Classroom
Grade 3 Biomes
What is the biggest difference between a desert and a tropical forest?
  1. how cold each gets
  2. how warm each gets
  3. how much life each has
  4. how much rain each gets
Grade 3 Biomes
Temperate grasslands have four
  1. seasons.
  2. roots.
  3. soils.
Grade 3 Biomes
In some biomes, leaves float in order to get sunlight. In which biome do they live?
  1. arctic tundra
  2. rain forest
  3. aquatic
  4. South Pole
Grade 3 Biomes
Comparing swamps and marshes, both have
  1. whales.
  2. sharks.
  3. bears.
  4. water.
Grade 3 Biomes
A type of forest that is hot and wet all year and has more types of living things than anywhere else on Earth is a                 forest.
  1. coastal
  2. coniferous
  3. deciduous
  4. tropical rain
Grade 3 Biomes
This biome is where salt and fresh waters meet.
  1. estuary (brackish water)
  2. pond
  3. taiga
  4. ice water
Grade 3 Biomes
It is very hot in the tundra.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Biomes
Which thing is biotic?
  1. rock
  2. dog
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