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Australian Geography Questions - All Grades

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Grade 6 Australian Geography
Grade 6 Australian Geography
What is the name of the world's largest rock?
  1. Red Rock
  2. Uluru
  3. Cassowary
  4. Kookaburra
Grade 5 Australian Geography
What is the only continent that is also a country?
  1. Australia
  2. Asia
  3. North America
  4. Africa
Grade 7 Australian Geography
Which is a tourist attraction in Australia where many people go to watch theatrical performances?
  1. Sydney Opera House
  2. The Museum of Natural History
  3. Broadway
  4. The Vatican
Grade 3 Australian Geography
Grade 5 Australian Geography
What is a country on the continent of Australia?
  1. Mississippi
  2. Australia
  3. Texas
  4. Russia
Grade 6 Australian Geography
The religion the Aborigines believed in was called
  1. Buddhism
  2. Islam
  3. Dreamtime
  4. Christianity
Grade 6 Australian Geography
What is the interior of Australia, mainly desert, called?
  1. plateau
  2. savanna
  3. billabong
  4. the Outback
Grade 7 Australian Geography
What is Australia's official language?
  1. French
  2. Spanish
  3. English
  4. Dutch
Grade 7 Australian Geography

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The two major climate zones of Australia are
  1. Steppe and desert
  2. humid subtropical and desert
  3. Tropical savanna and Mediterranean
  4. Tundra and steppe
Grade 7 Australian Geography
Australia's three largest deserts are :
  1. Sturt Desert, Stoney Desert, Great sandy desert
  2. Simson desert, Great Sandy desert, Central Desert
  3. Great Sandy desert, Great Victorian desert, Gibson desert
  4. Styrezlecki desert, simpson desert, Great Victorian desert
Grade 7 Australian Geography
The islands of Melenesia lie
  1. Just North and East of Australia
  2. Very near Hawaii
  3. South and West of Australia
  4. In the Indian Ocean
Grade 10 Australian Geography
Australia has been nicknamed "the land down under" due to what geographical feature?
  1. Tropic of Cancer
  2. Continent of South America
  3. Equator
  4. South Pole
Grade 10 Australian Geography
What is Australia's national capital?
  1. Sydney
  2. Brisbane
  3. Melbourne
  4. Canberra
Grade 7 Australian Geography
Grade 10 Australian Geography
Grade 10 Australian Geography
What single city contains about 20% of the residence of its entire continent?
  1. Sydney, Australia
  2. New York City, New York
  3. Honolulu, Hawaii
  4. All of the Above
Grade 9 Australian Geography
Located off the northeastern coast of Australia is the                       .
  1. Great Australian Bight
  2. Gulf of Carpentaria
  3. Great Barrier Reef
  4. Darling River
Grade 10 Australian Geography
Which Australian state is NOT located on the continent?
  1. New Territory
  2. Queensland
  3. Tasmania
  4. Victoria
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