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Second Grade (Grade 2) Astronomy Questions

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Grade 2 Sun
The Sun is smaller than Earth.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 Planetary Motion
Because Earth rotates on its axis,
  1. the seasons change.
  2. we have day and night.
  3. we see phases of the Moon.
Grade 2 Sun
What would it be like on Earth without the Sun?
  1. hot
  2. cold
  3. light
  4. warm
Grade 2 Inner Planets
What planet do you live on?
  1. Earth
  2. Mercury
  3. Jupiter
  4. Mars
Grade 2 The Moon
The different shapes that the Moon seems to have as it orbits Earth are called          phases         .
Grade 2 Inner Planets
What is the closest planet to the Sun?
  1. Venus
  2. Earth
  3. Mercury
  4. Jupiter
Grade 2 Inner Planets
The planet in the solar system that is closest to the Sun.
  1. Earth
  2. Mercury
  3. Mars
Grade 2 Sun
What would it be like on Earth without the Sun?
  1. cold and bright
  2. cold and dark
  3. light and cold
  4. warm and bright
Grade 2 Sun
The largest object in the solar system is
  1. Jupiter.
  2. the Sun.
  3. the Moon.
  4. Earth.
Grade 2 Planetary Motion
How will a shadow change from 9 A.M to 12 P.M (noon)?
  1. It will be shorter.
  2. It will not change.
  3. It will be longer.
Grade 2 Sun
The Sun is a big ball of gas.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 Solar System
List the planets in order, starting from the Sun.

Grade 2 Planetary Motion
How long does it take Earth to rotate around its axis?
  1. 1 month
  2. 1 day
  3. 1 year
Grade 2 Inner Planets
What is the closest planet to the Sun?
  1. Mercury
  2. Venus
  3. Earth
  4. Mars
Grade 2 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
Which of the following is not a planet?
  1. Earth
  2. Saturn
  3. Pluto
  4. Neptune
Grade 2 Sun
The Sun rises at this time of day.
  1. noon
  2. night
  3. morning
Grade 2 Stars
In the past, people used                 to help them navigate on land and at sea.
  1. rocks
  2. planets
  3. stars
  4. continents
Grade 2 Solar System
Object "F" is a(n)                .
Solar System
  1. star
  2. comet
  3. planet
  4. asteroid
Grade 2 Planetary Motion
Earth orbits the Sun.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 Inner Planets
The Sun moves around the solar system.
  1. True
  2. False
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