Question Info

This question is public and is used in 30 tests or worksheets.

Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: Early Childhood Education
Level: Continuing Education
Score: 3
Author: SpedEce
Created: 7 years ago

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Early Childhood Education Question

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Continuing Education Early Childhood Education

The toddlers in your care like to climb up on the toy shelves. You know this is dangerous because the shelves are not steady. What should you do?
  1. Put the children in time out until they learn not to climb on shelves.
  2. Attach the shelves to the floor so they are steady, and then let the toddlers climb all they want
  3. Attach the shelves to the floor or wall, and help children find a better place to climb.
  4. Remove the shelves from the room and keep the toys in a tall cabinet.