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Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: Paragraph Structure
Level: Grade 10
Author: AstridRocio
Created: 7 years ago

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Paragraph Structure Question

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Grade 10 Paragraph Structure

Determine if the following paragraph maintains paragraph unity. If there is paragraph unity, please select “A” as your answer. If not, choose the letter of the section that does not belong.

A space suit designer must know what the conditions on the moon are like. The moon has very hot and very cold temperatures. The space suit must protect the astronaut from both. Also, since there is no air to breathe on the moon, the suit must have a source of air. And the astronaut must be able to move around while in the suit. The designer considers these things and many others. He uses wisdom to design a useful and safe space suit.
  1. This paragraph maintains paragraph unity.
  2. Also, since there is no air to breathe on the moon, the suit must have a source of air.
  3. The moon has very hot and very cold temperatures.
  4. And the astronaut must be able to move around while in the suit.