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Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: Paragraph Structure
Level: Grade 10
Author: AstridRocio
Created: 7 years ago

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Paragraph Structure Question

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Grade 10 Paragraph Structure

Determine if the following paragraph maintains paragraph unity. If there is paragraph unity, please select “A” as your answer. If not, choose the letter of the section that does not belong.

A landscape architect considers many things when choosing the plants for a building’s grounds. She observes whether areas are sunny or shady. In the meantime, she can’t help but notice the beautiful architecture of the building itself, especially the placement of windows and archways. She thinks about how tall and wide plants will grow over time. Some trees and shrubs do not lose their leaves. She uses these plants to give steady color but also chooses some flowering plants. The flowers provide interest and variety. Using her wisdom, she designs surroundings that make a building more attractive.
  1. This paragraph maintains paragraph unity.
  2. The flowers provide interest and variety.
  3. In the meantime, she can’t help but notice the beautiful architecture of the building itself, especially the placement of windows and archways.
  4. She thinks about how tall and wide plants will grow over time.