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This question is public and is used in 44 tests or worksheets.

Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: Direct and Inverse Variation
Level: Grade 10
Standards: HSA-CED.A.2
Tags: Direct and Inverse Variation
Author: mathteacher6310
Created: 7 years ago

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Direct and Inverse Variation Question

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Grade 10 Direct and Inverse Variation CCSS: HSA-CED.A.2

The number of kilograms of water in a person's body varies directly as the person's mass. A person with a mass of 100 kg contains 70 kg of water. How many kilograms of water are in a person with a mass of 50 kg?
  1. 35.5 kg
  2. 35 kg
  3. 36 kg
  4. 35.2 kg