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Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: Number Properties
Level: Grade 7
Score: 4
Author: Marie56
Last Modified: 6 years ago

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Number Properties Question

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Grade 7 Number Properties

This math property states that the sum of two addends multiplied by a number is the sum of the product of each addend and the number. For example: 4(1 + 3) = (4 x 1) + (4 x 3), which if you add 1 and 3 you get 4 times 4 equals 16 AND if you multiply 4 and 1 you get 4; if you multiply 4 and 3 you get 12; then add 4 plus 12 = 16. 16 = 16
  1. Divisibility Property
  2. Multiple Property
  3. Composite Property
  4. Distributive Property