Question Info

This question is public and is used in 1 group and 307 tests or worksheets.

Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: Sequence of Events
Level: Grade 7
Standards: CCRA.R.5, RI.7.5
Score: 4
Author: Pixley12
Last Modified: 10 years ago

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Sequence of Events Question

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Grade 7 Sequence of Events CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RI.7.5

The first official observance of Labor Day was Tuesday September 5, 1882 in New York City. The holiday was created by the Central Labor Union to recognize the contributions of the American worker. In 1884 the first Monday in September was selected to be the annual day of celebration. The Central Labor Union tried to encourage groups in other cities to follow the example of a "workingmen's holiday." The government first began recognizing the holiday through ordinances in 1885 and 1886. The first bill to become a law recognizing Labor Day was passed in Oregon in February of 1887. By June of 1894, the majority of states had recognized the holiday, so the federal government passed a law making the observance of Labor Day each first Monday in September a legal holiday. The holiday is celebrated by workers and others nationwide in street parades and festivals.

Which organizational pattern did the author use for this passage?
  1. cause and effect
  2. compare and contrast
  3. chronological order
  4. description