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This question is public and is used in 1 group and 17 tests or worksheets.

Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: Business Meetings
Level: Continuing Education
Tags: esl, business, meeting, advanced, vocabulary, idioms
Author: lauriegardner
Created: 7 years ago

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Business Meetings Question

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Continuing Education Business Meetings

To conduct a business meeting, you will need to TAKE CHARGE and be confident in what you are planning. You'll need to think about why you want to hold a meeting, the attendees, the agenda, and where your meeting will take place. Putting a meeting together isn't always easy, but you can do it!

What does the phrase TAKE CHARGE mean?
  1. to run really fast towards something
  2. to take control of something
  3. to buy something on a credit card
  4. to wait to be told what to do