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Type: Fill-In-The-Blank
Category: Prepositions
Level: Grade 7
Tags: prepositions, advanced
Author: lauriegardner
Last Modified: 7 years ago

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Prepositions Question

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Grade 7 Prepositions

You won't believe this! I went to leave my house to go to work and when I got to my car I realized I had left my keys      in      my house. I freaked out because I had already locked my house door and I couldn't get back      in     . I keep a spare      in      my car, but I couldn't get      in      so that was no use. I had to try and figure out how to get back      in      my house quick so I wasn't late for work. I had an idea to go      in      through a window, but I had to figure out which one would work best. I went around the house and checked to see if any were unlocked. Luckily, the kitchen window was unlocked so I got      on      a chair and squeezed my way      in     . I ran to my bedroom because I knew I left them there, right      on      my dresser. I hurried out of the house, got      in      my car, and still made it to work      on      time.