Question Info

This question is public and is used in 2 groups and 241 tests or worksheets.

Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions
Level: Grade 9
Standards: CCRA.R.1, RI.9-10.1
Score: 11
Tags: ELA-Literacy.RI.9-10.1
Author: Tamra_Orr
Last Modified: 11 years ago

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Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions Question

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Grade 9 Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions CCSS: CCRA.R.1, RI.9-10.1

Why do competitors most likely stop in at small towns along the route?
  1. They want to rest for a few days.
  2. They change both their sleds and dog teams.
  3. They need time to consult the map and verify directions.
  4. They record their position and show that they are still on route