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This question is public and is used in 1 group and 23 tests or worksheets.

Type: Fill-In-The-Blank
Category: Antigone
Level: Grade 10
Author: Houlee
Last Modified: 10 years ago

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Antigone Question

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Grade 10 Antigone

After reading the following dialogue between Creon and Haimon, infer what type of government each believes to be best.

Creon: "And the City proposes to teach me how to rule? My voice is the one voice giving orders in this City!"
Haimon: "It is no City if it takes orders from one voice."
C: "The State is the King!"
H: "Yes, if the Sate is a desert."

Creon probably believes a                Dictatorship                is best.
Haimon probably believes a              Democracy               is best.