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This question is public and is used in 6 groups and 239 tests or worksheets.

Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions
Level: Grade 6
Standards: CCRA.R.1, RI.6.1
Score: 8
Author: Tamra_Orr
Last Modified: 11 years ago

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Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions Question

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Every year, countless people from some of the northern and central states of the country leave snow, ice and freezing temperatures behind by heading south. These "snowbirds", as they are often called, trade in their gloves and hats for sunscreen and bathing suits. Heading south to escape winter's chill is common, but some travelers do just the opposite. They pack the extra layers and the snow boots and head to the village of Jukkasjarvi in Sweden. Once they arrive, they check into their hotel, but they don't take off their heavy coats and scarves. Why? Because at Sweden's Ice Hotel, everything from the beds to tables is made out of blocks of ice.

Why would anyone want to travel to one of the coldest places in the world during the winter season? That was a question that a tourist company asked more than 20 years ago. They wanted more tourists so they tried something new. They built a 60 square foot igloo out of ice blocks and held an art exhibit inside. People came but not that many.

One day, a group came to see the exhibit, but arrived too late. Instead of leaving, they spread out their sleeping bags and spent the night in the snow. Suddenly, a brand new idea was born! The tourist company built an entire hotel out of ice blocks taken from the nearby Torne River. They advertised this unique hotel all over the world and soon, people came to explore. Now, curious guests check in and enjoy the cold. Then, when the warmth of spring returns, the hotel melts into the ground and disappears. It will be rebuilt when winter returns.

Grade 6 Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions CCSS: CCRA.R.1, RI.6.1

Based on this passage, what would most likely be true about "snowbirds"?
  1. They would love the chance to stay at the Ice Hotel.
  2. They would typically live in the northern and central states of the U.S.
  3. They tend to pack their travels bags with multiple layers of warm clothes.
  4. They are one of the inspirations for constructing buildings like the Ice Hotel.