Question Info

This question is public and is used in 9 groups and 1397 tests or worksheets.

Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: Summarizing
Level: Grade 7
Standards: CCRA.R.2, RL.7.2
Score: 9
Tags: ELA-Literacy.RI.7.2
Author: pcwyatt
Last Modified: 8 years ago

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Summarizing Question

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Grade 7 Summarizing CCSS: CCRA.R.2, RL.7.2

March 2nd was a great day at the New York Public Library. More than 250 first and second graders wore red-and-white-striped stovepipe hats. They were celebrating The Cat in the Hat's 50th birthday. Dr. Seuss's The Cat in the Hat picture book has been published for 50 years now. The famous feline danced with children racing around him. At the same time, pink, purple, and white confetti rained down.

Serena Williams, the tennis champion, read The Cat in the Hat to second graders. They sat on brightly-colored rugs around her. Two lucky second graders from PS 152 in Manhattan sat next to Williams on a big red chair. Pink and purple umbrellas hung from the ceiling. The students giggled while Williams made her voice change from deep to high for the many characters in the story.

After reading the book, Williams shouted, "Tip your hat to the Cat!" The students took off their hats and waved them excitedly.

Which sentence should be included in the summary of the passage above?
  1. After reading the book, Williams shouted, "Tip your hat to the Cat!"
  2. The students giggled while Williams made her voice change from deep to high...
  3. Two lucky second graders from PS 152 in Manhattan sat next to Williams on a big red chair.
  4. Serena Williams, the tennis champion, read The Cat in the Hat to second graders.