Question Info

This question is public and is used in 25 tests or worksheets.

Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: Opinion Writing
Level: Grade 9
Standards: CCRA.W.1, W.9-10.1
Author: szeiger
Created: 8 years ago

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Opinion Writing Question

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Grade 9 Opinion Writing CCSS: CCRA.W.1, W.9-10.1

Despite the creation of laws against the practice, many smokers continue to throw their cigarette butts outside of the windows of cars. This causes many problems. During dry seasons, those cigarette butts may unintentionally cause wildfires. A single cigarette could end up putting the lives of animals, local residents, and emergency personnel at risk.

Which would be the best counterclaim for the paragraph above?
  1. Wildfires only affect a small portion of the population.
  2. Three hundred wildfires a year are started by cigarettes.
  3. An discarded cigarette does not have the ability to start a large wildfire.
  4. Many non-smokers regularly engage in activities that could start wildfires.