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Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: Polynomials and Rational Expressions
Level: Grade 12
Standards: HSA-APR.C.4
Author: jjstanley
Last Modified: 6 years ago

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Polynomials and Rational Expressions Question

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Grade 12 Polynomials and Rational Expressions CCSS: HSA-APR.C.4

Is the following proof correct? If not, identify the first step that has an error.

Prove:  (x2+y2)2=(x2-y2)2+(2xy)2

Left Side: (x2+y2)2
Step 1: (x2+y2)(x2+y2)
Step 2: x4-2x2y2+4x2y2+y4
Step 3: (x2-y2)2+(2xy)2
  1. The proof is correct.
  2. Step 1 has an error.
  3. Step 2 has an error.
  4. Step 3 has an error.