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This question is public and is used in 1 group and 91 tests or worksheets.

Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: Author's Purpose
Level: Grade 6
Standards: CCRA.R.6, RI.6.6
Author: szeiger
Created: 9 years ago

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Author's Purpose Question

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Step 1: Setting Up the Field
Gather four bases, or flat items that could be used as bases. Set up the field, making sure the bases are square, as in not lopsided, and roughly 60 feet apart. The distance can be less depending on age and the amount of players. Walk along the field, making sure there are no dangerous items or other obstructions.

Step 2: Establishing the Rules
No one likes when you change rules during the middle of the game. Have a pow-wow before the game to determine the rules. For example, you may want to figure out the following:

- Do you tag a player or throw the ball to get them out?
- Are bouncy pitches allowed?
- How many foul balls does each kicker get?

You can make any rules you want as long as they are fair to everyone and all players agree on them.

Step 3: Picking Teams
Two people, often the oldest players or whoever organized the game, will be named captains. The captains then play “Rock, Paper, Scissors” in order to determine who gets to pick first. The teams then alternate choosing players until everyone is picked. Do not leave anyone out. Remember, there is no shame in being the last pick.

Step 4: Beginning the Game
To promote fairness, the team who picked second will have the choice to kick first or second. Then the team in the field first takes the field. Spread out with one person at each position in the infield (catcher, pitcher, 1st base, 2nd base, shortstop, and third base). The rest are evenly scattered around the outfield and fill in gaps in the infield.

The kicking team gets into a line in foul territory along the third base line, far enough back as to allow room for play, and prepares to kick. The kicker who is up then approaches the plate and gets ready to kick when the pitcher has the ball and is ready to pitch it.

Step 5: Playing the Game
The pitcher rolls the ball over the plate trying to hug the fine line between a little bounce and too bouncy (the bouncier the ball, the harder it is to kick). The kicker then kicks the ball if they deem it acceptable. The pitch is called a ball if the kicker determines it can’t be kicked. It’s a strike if the kicker tries to kick it and misses.

Once the ball is kicked, if it is caught in the air it is an out. Runners may not advance until they tag up, or touch the base, after the ball has been caught. If it is dropped or untouched, runners can run freely until the ball gets back to the pitcher. Runners only have to run if there is a person on the base behind them or they are on first base. To score they must cross home plate legally.

The defense must get the ball and either touch the base with the ball or hit the runner with the ball to get him out. The game is over when the desired amount of innings is over or a score limit is reached.

Grade 6 Author's Purpose CCSS: CCRA.R.6, RI.6.6

What is the author's purpose in this passage?
  1. to describe a specific kickball game
  2. to explain the process for playing kickball
  3. to share why the author likes kickball
  4. to encourage kids to play kickball