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Type: True or False
Category: Summarizing
Level: Grade 2
Standards: CCRA.R.1, RI.2.1
Author: szeiger
Created: 9 years ago

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Summarizing Question

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Have you ever seen a treehouse? It’s usually a fort high up in a tree. Kids go up there to play and have fun. However, treehouses aren’t just for kids. Many adults have started building their own treehouses as their homes.

Can you imagine living in a treehouse? In some countries, people do not have a choice. For example, in the country New Guinea, some groups of people live in treehouses to protect their homes. When animals and flood waters come, their homes and belongings stay safe.

However, most people who live in treehouses are not like the people in New Guinea. They live in treehouses because they choose to live in treehouses.

Why would someone choose to live in a treehouse? Besides the fact that living in a treehouse is really cool, most people choose to live in treehouses for two reasons: they like nature and they want peace and quiet. Treehouses are often built in the woods. They are surrounded by nature. They also do not have many neighbors. Every time people come home, they feel like they are going on a special getaway.

Of course the treehouses people live in are much nicer than a typical kid’s treehouse. They are made with many of the same materials as normal houses. Some of them are only one room, but others are very elaborate. They may have multiple levels or multiple rooms. Some treehouses are even made up of many different treehouses connected by rope bridges.

Even though a treehouse is small, building a treehouse isn’t always cheap. It costs a lot of money to make the treehouse strong enough to live in. It can also be expensive to add electricity and water to the treehouse. Getting furniture into a treehouse can also be a problem. Sometimes it is built right in the house.

Treehouse living is not for everyone. You have to get used to living in a tree and living with fewer items. However, if you really enjoy nature and peace and quiet, treehouse living can be a lot of fun.

Grade 2 Summarizing CCSS: CCRA.R.1, RI.2.1

Treehouses are just for kids.
  1. True
  2. False