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Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: Supporting Details
Level: Grade 2
Standards: CCRA.R.1, RI.2.1
Author: szeiger
Last Modified: 8 years ago

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Supporting Details Question

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Profession - NurseIf you visit a doctor's office or a hospital, chances are you will run into a nurse.

A nurse is someone who helps take care of patients. Many patients visit the doctor's office or hospital to be taken care of by a doctor. However, the nurse is the one who actually does most of the work.

A nurse is usually one of the first people to see a patient. It is a nurse's job to find out what is wrong with the patient. A nurse also has to get some other basic information. A nurse may measure your height, find out what you weight, and take your temperature. If you need a shot or medication, a nurse is the one who will give that to you too.

Nurses work in many different areas. They include:

Doctor offices
Military bases

In schools, nurses help with sick students. They deal with headaches, stomachaches, and minor injuries. They may also help students with allergies or illnesses take their medicine every day.

In doctor's offices, nurses get basic information from patients. They check their stats. They find out what is wrong. They also may explain the doctor's orders to patients at the end of the appointment.

In hospitals, nurses take care of patients and assist doctors. They help give them their medicine. They check their stats. They make sure they stay clean. They also assist doctors in surgeries.

On military bases, nurses help take care of soldiers who are sick or injured. They assist doctors in surgeries too.

Wherever a nurse works, her job is extremely important. She helps make sure patients get what they need to help them heal.

Grade 2 Supporting Details CCSS: CCRA.R.1, RI.2.1

What is not something nurses do in schools?
  1. give patients medicine
  2. take care of sick patients
  3. assist doctors in patient care
  4. help a patient feel better