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This question is public and is used in 1 group and 103 tests or worksheets.

Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions
Level: Grade 3
Standards: CCRA.R.1, RI.3.1
Score: 1
Author: szeiger
Created: 9 years ago

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Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions Question

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If you have ever seen a golf ball, you know it is a small round ball with a lot of little ridges or holes on it. Those ridges or holes are called dimples.

Golf balls were not always made with dimples. The first golf balls were made from leather. They were stuffed with goose feathers. Some people called them featheries. All balls were made by hand and very expensive to buy.

In the 1840s, the guttie ball was introduced. It was made of rubber. In the 1880s, the gutties began to be made with patterns on the balls. The most popular pattern was called Bramble. It was a series of bumps in circles on the balls. The bumps became popular because golfers realized that scratches and bumps on the surface helped the ball travel further.

In the early 1900s, the golf balls golfers use today were first developed. They were made of two halves fused together so they had air in the middle. This made them lighter and helped them travel further. Companies then added the dimples to make the balls able to travel even further and much faster.

Why do dimples make the balls travel faster and further? They create multiple layers of air around the ball. One layer moves faster than the other, which helps increase the ball's speed. Most golf balls today have between 300 and 500 dimples.

Companies are constantly testing the number, depth, and position of the dimples to try to make sure they have the best golf ball available for every golfer. Some golfers may want a ball with more dimples. Some may want a ball with fewer dimples. It all depends on how they play the game.

Grade 3 Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions CCSS: CCRA.R.1, RI.3.1

Why were the first golf balls most likely called featheries?
  1. They were leather.
  2. They were made by hand.
  3. They were expensive.
  4. They were stuffed with feathers.