Question Info

This question is public and is used in 239 tests or worksheets.

Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: Time
Level: Grade 4
Standards: 4.MD.A.2
Score: 2
Author: LBeth
Last Modified: 6 years ago

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Time Question

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Grade 4 Time CCSS: 4.MD.A.2

Sam swims for 1 hour. Danika swims for 65 minutes. Which TWO statements about the amount of time Sam and Danika swam are correct?
  1. 1 hour equals 65 minutes.
  2. 1 hour is less than 65 minutes.
  3. 1 hour is greater than 65 minutes.
  4. Sam swam 5 minutes longer than Danika.
  5. Danika swam 5 minutes longer than Sam.
  6. Sam and Danika swam the same amount of time.