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Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: Sequences and Series
Level: Grade 10
Standards: HSF-BF.A.2
Author: nsharp1
Created: 4 years ago

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Sequences and Series Question

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Grade 10 Sequences and Series CCSS: HSF-BF.A.2

A new spaceship has been developed. It has many small rocket thrusters that can be used together. If just one thruster is used, the ship travels at a speed of 3,000 miles per hour. Each additional thruster causes the ship to travel 15% faster. However, each thruster uses 500 gallons of fuel per hour. About how fast is the spaceship traveling if it is using 4,500 gallons of fuel per hour? Round answers to the nearest mile per hour.
  1. 12,137 mph
  2. 7,980 mph
  3. 10,554 mph
  4. 9,177 mph