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Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: Sequences and Series
Level: Grade 10
Standards: HSF-BF.A.2
Author: nsharp1
Created: 4 years ago

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Sequences and Series Question

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Grade 10 Sequences and Series CCSS: HSF-BF.A.2

Sam is trying to reduce the amount of money he spends on coffee each month. He currently spends about $300 per month on coffee. The average price for each coffee he buys is around $4. For the current month, Sam will continue buying as many coffees as he usually does. Next month he plans on buying 3 fewer coffees than he currently buys, then 3 fewer the month after that, and then 3 fewer the next month, and so on till he is spending less than $20 per month on coffee. If Sam sticks to his plan, about how much will he be spending on coffee in 7 months?
  1. $216
  2. $228
  3. $204
  4. $236