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This question is public and is used in 14 tests or worksheets.

Type: Matching Text
Category: The Presidents
Level: Grade 4
Score: 1
Tags: U.S. presidents
Author: atebben
Last Modified: 4 years ago

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The Presidents Question

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Grade 4 The Presidents

Answer the following questions about presidents of the United States.
__ Who was the first president of the United States? A. Theodore Roosevelt
__ Who was president during the Louisiana Purchase? B. Gerald Ford
__ The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by which president? C. Franklin Roosevelt
__ The New Deal was a series of policies and programs from which president? D. George Washington
__ Which president was a general during the Civil War? E. Richard Nixon
__ The first national monument was made by which president? F. Ulysses S. Grant
__ Which president served for the shortest amount of time? G. Thomas Jefferson
__ The Environmental Protection Agency was created by which president? H. Abraham Lincoln
__ Which president served two non-consecutive terms? I. Grover Cleveland
__ Who was the only president never elected to either the presidency or vice presidency? J. William Henry Harrison