Question Info

This question is public and is used in 10 tests or worksheets.

Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: Vectors
Level: Grade 11
Standards: HSN-VM.B.4, HSN-VM.B.4a
Score: 1
Author: nsharp1
Created: 5 years ago

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Vectors Question

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Grade 11 Vectors CCSS: HSN-VM.B.4, HSN-VM.B.4a

Given two vectors, with magnitudes 8 and 4, which have a common initial point and an angle of 37° between them, what is the resulting vector if they are added together, given as a magnitude and direction? Let the calculated angle be relative to the vector of magnitude 4. Hint: use the parallelogram rule.
  1. Magnitude 11.5, angle 12.1°.
  2. Magnitude 11.5, angle 24.9°.
  3. Magnitude 5.4, angle 35.9°.
  4. Magnitude 5.4, angle 17.1°.