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Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: The Minister's Black Veil
Level: Grade 11
Author: AlisaMarie
Last Modified: 10 years ago

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The Minister's Black Veil Question

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Grade 11 The Minister's Black Veil

What is Earth's "Black Veil"? How does it compare to the symbolism of the
  1. Earth's "Black Veil" is night. Its associations with darkness, evil, nightmares, ghosts, and all other elements usually seen at night.
  2. Earth's "Black Veil" is night. Its association shows there is nothing to fear in the night.
  3. Earth's "Black Veil" is night. Just like some nights are light and dark, so can a veil be both light and dark
  4. Earth's "Black Veil" is night. So the veil is black.