Question Info

This question is public and is used in 43 tests or worksheets.

Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: Represent and Determine Probability
Level: Grade 10
Standards: HSS-CP.A.3
Author: nsharp1
Created: 6 years ago

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Represent and Determine Probability Question

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Grade 10 Represent and Determine Probability CCSS: HSS-CP.A.3

At Withrow High School, 36% of male students participate in volleyball. There are two parts of the volleyball team, a varsity squad and junior varsity squad. Cameron knows that, if he makes the team, he has about a 30% chance of joining the varsity squad. What is the probability, to the nearest whole number, of Cameron playing volleyball and making the varsity squad?
  1. 11%
  2. 30%
  3. 70%
  4. 25%