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Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: Matrices
Level: Grade 11
Standards: HSA-REI.C.8
Author: nsharp1
Created: 6 years ago

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Matrices Question

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Grade 11 Matrices CCSS: HSA-REI.C.8

When representing a system of linear equations in two variables as a matrix equation, one can use the general form A[xy]=b. For a given system of linear equations, is it possible for the 2-by-2 matrix A to have different entries? Why or why not?
  1. Yes. Either equation in the system of equations can be multiplied by a constant. This will also affect b.
  2. No. A different matrix A would result in a different answer regardless of anything else.
  3. It depends on whether the system of equations is dependent or independent.
  4. No. Only a system of equations that is inconsistent, and therefore has no answer anyways, can have different A matrices.