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Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: Systems of Equations
Level: Grade 10
Standards: HSA-REI.C.5
Author: nsharp1
Last Modified: 5 years ago

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Systems of Equations Question

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Grade 10 Systems of Equations CCSS: HSA-REI.C.5

For the given system of equations, the following work was done to create another system of equations with the same solution. Is this work correct? If not, choose the correct reason why.

We start with our given system of equations.

We will multiply the first equation by 2. Now we can add this with the second equation.
   6x         =-3

This results in the following new system of equations.
  1. This is correct.
  2. The first equation has to be multiplied by 12.
  3. The equations should be subtracted.
  4. Only the second term of the first equation was multiplied by 2.