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This question is public and is used in 1 group and 82 tests or worksheets.

Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: Main Idea
Level: Grade 7
Standards: CCRA.R.2, RL.7.2, RH.6-8.2
Score: 1
Author: ReadingMatters
Last Modified: 10 years ago

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Main Idea Question

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A citizen is a person who is a full member of the U.S. Citizens owe loyalty or allegiance to their country. They can take an active part in helping to improve their community and the U.S. system of government. Some ways in which citizens can help govern their community are by:

- Nominating candidates to run for public office
- Voting for candidates who are nominated
- Holding public office at the local, state or national level
- Directing or organizing community affairs

Responsibilities of Citizens

Citizens of the U.S. have the opportunity and the responsibility to participate in their government. This process of self-government insures that power will always remain where it belongs - with the people.

The most important right citizens have is the right to vote. By voting, the people have a voice in the government. The people decide who will represent them in the government. Officials can be voted in or out of office. Every person’s vote counts the same as another person's vote.

The right to vote is a duty or responsibility as well as a privilege. It is important for all citizens to vote in every election to make sure that the democratic, representative system of government is maintained. Persons who do not vote lose their voice in the government. Before voting in an election, each citizen should be well informed about the issues and candidates.

The government may call upon citizens to serve on a jury. If an individual is chosen for jury duty, he or she must stop work and attend the trial as long as he or she is needed. The members of the jury need to decide the case in as fair a way as they can.

Men can be asked to serve in the armed forces. During times of war, any man who is physically able can be called upon to fight for the U.S. In peaceful times, there can be a draft or men and women can enlist voluntarily.

Every person is expected to obey the laws of the community, state and country in which he or she lives. All Americans are expected to respect the rights of others. All persons living in the U.S. are expected to pay the income taxes and other taxes honestly and on time.

To be responsible members of their communities, citizens can volunteer their services to help obtain needed improvements. Citizens can offer their knowledge and talents to different local organizations or committees. Participation in town meetings, public hearing and community projects is important for community improvement and for finding out the problems that need to be solved.

Informational/Public Domain (source:

Grade 7 Main Idea CCSS: CCRA.R.2, RL.7.2, RH.6-8.2

What is the main idea of this passage?
  1. People should help those in local hospitals.
  2. Garage sales are a great way to make some money.
  3. Speaking to the city council is easier than one would think.
  4. Communities can work together to help those in need.