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Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: Polynomials and Rational Expressions
Level: Grade 9
Standards: HSA-REI.A.1
Score: 1
Author: nsharp1
Created: 6 years ago

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Polynomials and Rational Expressions Question

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Grade 9 Polynomials and Rational Expressions CCSS: HSA-REI.A.1

A solution to the equation is given, except for one step. Choose the correct action for the missing step.


Step 1:3x+6-6=  9-6
Step 2:3x=  3
Step 3:  
Step 4:x=  1
  1. Add 3 to both sides.
  2. Divide both sides by 3.
  3. Subtract 3 from both sides.
  4. Take the cube root of each side.