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Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

Introduction: You are riding on a bus on your way to school. The bus stops at a four-way intersection. Once it is safe to go, the bus goes through the road crossing.

The two roads are like lines. In math, a line is a straight path that goes on forever in two directions and has no thickness. This isn't true for the roads. However, we can use them to represent straight paths that cross. Like the roads, lines can cross or meet. When lines cross or meet at one point, they intersect.

Look at the image of the road crossing. The roads intersect in a special way. Do you recognize the type of angle the road crossing forms? The roads intersect at right angles. Lines that meet or cross at right angles (90°) are perpendicular lines.

Now, imagine your bus driving down a highway. You are on one side of the highway. On the other side of the highway is a road going the opposite direction. The two roads are next to each other, but do not touch. Remember, lines go on forever in two directions. Lines that never touch and are always the same distance apart are parallel lines.

Directions for This Lesson: In this lesson, you will learn about parallel and perpendicular lines. First, try the practice questions to see what you already know. Then, watch the video lesson to learn more. Finally, try what you learned in the activity and practice sections. 


Required Video:

Practice what you have learned by completing the post-lesson worksheet.