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Author: szeiger
No. Questions: 5
Created: Mar 30, 2015
Last Modified: 9 years ago

What is a Mechanic?

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Profession - MechanicWhen a person's car breaks down, they need to get it fixed. To do that they need to take it to someone who knows all about cars. That person is a mechanic.

An auto mechanic is a person who repairs cars for a living. While a mechanic does not need a college degree, he does have to know an awful lot about cars. When someone brings in a broken car, it is the mechanic's job to find and fix the problem. A mechanic's job is messy. Cars have grease and oil all over them. Mechanics must work underneath a car. They must dig deep within a car's parts to fix problems.

An auto mechanic also works to keep a car healthy. He may give the car an oil change or a tune up to keep it running smoothly. He will also check the car's fluids to makes sure it has enough. Some mechanics also repair scratches in the paint to keep rust from forming on the body of the car.

You will find an auto mechanic working in a few different places. Some mechanics work at businesses that fix cars. These businesses are called body shops. Other mechanics work at car dealerships. There they fix cars that people bring in. They also make sure the cars for sale are all running smoothly. Some mechanics also work at companies that use cars and trucks all day. For example, a mechanic may work for a bus company or a taxi company. They are also found at factories that make cars.
Grade 2 Supporting Details CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RI.2.3
Which detail best explains why a mechanic's job is messy?
  1. When someone brings in a broken car, it is the mechanic's job to find and fix the problem.
  2. Cars have grease and oil all over them.
  3. Mechanics must work underneath a car.
  4. They must dig deep within a car's parts to fix problems.
Grade 2 Supporting Details CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RI.2.3
Which choice best explains why a mechanic's job is important?
  1. A mechanic helps keeps cars clean.
  2. A mechanic performs oil changes and tune ups on cars.
  3. A mechanic fixes cars so people can drive them.
  4. A mechanic doesn't need a college degree.
Grade 2 Supporting Details CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RI.2.3
Which is an example of something a mechanic does to prevent a car from breaking?
  1. changes its oil
  2. fixes problems deep within it
  3. works on it at a car dealer
  4. cleans its windows
Grade 2 Point of View CCSS: CCRA.R.6, RI.2.6
How does the author feel about mechanics?
  1. The author thinks mechanics are very important for people who own cars.
  2. The author thinks people do not need mechanics to fix their cars.
  3. The author thinks almost anyone can become a mechanic.
  4. The author thinks mechanics do good work at car factories.
Grade 2 Supporting Details CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RI.2.3
Which detail best explains why mechanics need to know a lot about cars?
  1. To do that they need to take it to someone who knows all about cars.
  2. When someone brings in a broken car, it is the mechanic's job to find and fix the problem.
  3. They must dig deep within a car's parts to fix problems.
  4. An auto mechanic also works to keep a car healthy.