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This question group is public and is used in 7 tests.

Author: carriewible
No. Questions: 20
Created: Sep 2, 2014
Last Modified: 10 years ago

Life Skills - Banking

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Grade 11 Personal Finance
Grade 11 Personal Finance
Grade 11 Personal Finance
A bank account that accrues interest in exchange for use of the money on deposit.
  1. Savings Account
  2. Checking Account
  3. Credit History
  4. Investment
Grade 11 Personal Finance
Grade 11 Personal Finance
Grade 11 Personal Finance
Grade 11 Personal Finance
The 9 digit code on the left hand side at the bottom of your check is the:
  1. Opening Date
  2. Check Number
  3. Routing Number
  4. Account Number
Grade 11 Personal Finance
The routing number on the check is a code that indicates the:
  1. type of account.
  2. location where the account was opened.
  3. account number.
  4. number of withdrawals allowed.
Grade 11 Personal Finance
The account number on a check is found:
  1. at the bottom right side.
  2. at the bottom left side.
  3. along the top right.
  4. along the top left.
Grade 11 Personal Finance
The check number appears on the check:
  1. 1 time.
  2. 2 times.
  3. 3 times.
  4. It does not appear.
Grade 11 Personal Finance
When writing a check, it is important to write in the correct name of the business, company, or person you are paying:
  1. because it is polite.
  2. so the bank will accept the check.
  3. for your records.
  4. for legibility.
Grade 11 Personal Finance
The amount of the check is written in:
  1. numerical form.
  2. written form.
  3. neither form.
  4. both numerical and written.
Grade 11 Personal Finance
The memo at the bottom of the check can be for:
  1. account numbers.
  2. a note to yourself.
  3. a note to those receiving the check.
  4. all of the above
Grade 11 Personal Finance
Grade 11 Personal Finance
Grade 11 Personal Finance
A minor cannot open a checking account unless:
  1. they invest $50.00.
  2. they have a direct deposit paycheck.
  3. a parent is on the account.
  4. they have a driver's license.