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Question Group Info

This question group is public and is used in 4 tests.

Author: baileym1
No. Questions: 5
Created: Dec 26, 2012
Last Modified: 12 years ago


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Thanatopis Poem
Grade 11 Thanatopsis
What does the speaker advise us to do when we have thoughts that make us "shudder, and grow sick at heart"?
  1. Try to think about something else
  2. Get help from a friend
  3. Go to counseling
  4. Go outside and listen to Nature's teachings
Grade 11 Poetry
What does the title mean?
  1. birth and death
  2. how to die
  3. being born
  4. a view of death
Grade 11 Poetry
Which of the following quotations is the best example of inversion?
  1. "The oak / Shall send his roots abroad . . .”
  2. "the dead reign there alone . . .”
  3. "All that breathe / Will share thy destiny . . .”
  4. “and thee / The all-beholding sun shall see no more . . .”
Grade 11 Poetry
Explain the simile in lines 78-79. How should we not approach dying?
  1. like someone who must be dragged toward death
  2. like someone who just lies down and naps
  3. like someone who is content to go to Heaven
  4. like a rabid animal
Grade 11 Poetry
The structure of this poem is
  1. limerick
  2. trochaic hexameter
  3. couplets
  4. blank verse