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Author: nsharp1
No. Questions: 5
Created: Aug 12, 2019
Last Modified: 5 years ago

Vector Addition and Parallelogram Rule

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In the following diagram, quadrilateral FBCE is a parallelogram. Let sides ¯FB, ¯FE, and ¯EC represent vectors FB, FE, and EC. Also, let diagonal ¯FC represent vector FC. Assume that points F, E, and D are collinear. Not pictured is line segment ¯CD, which is perpendicular to ¯FD.

Let BFE=θ.

According to the parallelogram rule, FB+FE=FC. The following questions will derive formulas for the magnitude and direction of FC, depending on the magnitudes and relative directions of vectors FB and FE.
Parallelogram ABCDEF v3
Grade 11 Vectors CCSS: HSN-VM.B.4, HSN-VM.B.4a
Considering parallelogram FBCE, and that point D is collinear with points F and E, which of the following is/are true? (There may be more than one correct answer).
  1. ||FE||+ED=FD
  2. FB=EC
  3. CED=θ
  4. FB+EC=2FE
Grade 11 Vectors CCSS: HSN-VM.B.4, HSN-VM.B.4a
Considering right triangle CDE, how is the magnitude of EC related to θ and the length of ¯ED?
  1. ED=||EC||cosθ
  2. ED=||EC||sinθ
  3. ||EC||=EDcosθ
  4. tanθ=||EC||ED
Grade 11 Vectors CCSS: HSN-VM.B.4, HSN-VM.B.4a
Considering triangle CDE, how is the magnitude of EC related to the length of ¯CD and θ?
  1. CD=||EC||cosθ
  2. CD=||EC||sinθ
  3. ||EC||=CDcosθ
  4. tanθ=||EC||CD
Grade 11 Vectors CCSS: HSN-VM.B.4, HSN-VM.B.4a
Using in formation from previous questions, the value of 2 can also be determined, as given below.


Why is the direction given in terms of the angle between FC and FE and not between FC and FB?
  1. It has to be given relative to the horizontal vector.
  2. It has to be given in relation to a vector that is parallel to one of the axis.
  3. It doesn't matter, since the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect their respective angles.
  4. It doesn't matter, but it is simpler to derive the equation this way given the work already done with finding the magnitude of the vector.