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What is a Fable?

What is a Fable?

Animal - Turtle 
Have you ever heard the story of the tortoise and the hare? It's a short story where a tortoise and a hare agree to the race. The hare knows he is going to win the race, so he takes a nap in the middle of it. Meanwhile, the tortoise keeps walking steadily along the path. He ends up beating the hare to the finish line. The moral of the story is slow and steady wins the race.

The "Tortoise and the Hare" is an example of a fable

A fable is a short piece of fiction that teaches a lesson.

The practice questions and video below will help you learn more about fables.

Required Video:

After watching the video, read the fable, "The Farmer and the Snake," and answer the questions on the worksheet below.

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